

At our multi-disciplinary clinic, we specialize in spine and sports injury care utilizing Chiropractic, Active Release Techniques (ART), Graston, Registered Massage Therapy, and Acupuncture.

Our highly trained and experienced professionals will conduct a thorough history and examination, establish a diagnosis and provide a detailed report of findings and plan of management.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our services.


Chiropractic is a healing discipline firmly grounded in science.
Chiropractic is a ‘hands-on’ approach to health-care. Chiropractic doctors are experts in muscle, joint and nervous system injuries and conditions. Chiropractic techniques utilize safe, well-researched therapies, which include: spinal manipulation, soft-tissue therapies (ART, Graston), modalities and rehabilitation. Doctors of Chiropractic also educate their patients on various aspects of overall health and wellness including: diet, exercise, ergonomics and stress management.

Spinal Manipulation: What is an Adjustment?

An adjustment or spinal manipulation is a highly skilled procedure that includes a gentle and controlled thrust applied to joints of the spine or extremities. The aim of the adjustment is to help relieve pain, normalize nervous system function and to restore a joint’s normal range of motion. Chiropractic adjustment techniques have been researched extensively and they are safe and effective treatment for low back pain, neck pain, headaches and numerous other musculoskeletal conditions.

What is a chiropractor’s education?

Chiropractic education requires a rigorous course of study similar to that of other regulated health care professionals (medicine and dentistry). Students are required to complete a minimum of three years university before they are eligible to apply for the chiropractic doctorate program. The four years of comprehensive education includes: the biological sciences necessary to diagnose and treat a wide variety of health conditions, which makes your chiropractor the leading expert in this field. The program involves more than 4300 hours of academic and clinical education in order to provide chiropractors with the highest level of competence in spinal manipulation and diagnosis/treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

Active Release Techniques    

A video explaining Active Release Techniques (ART)

ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

How do overuse conditions occur?

Over-used muscles (and other soft tissues) change in three important ways:

  • acute conditions (pulls, tears, collisions, etc)
  • accumulation of small tears (micro-trauma, repetitive strain)
  • not getting enough oxygen (chronic postural strain).

Each of these factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness.

What is an ART treatment like?

Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.

These treatment protocols – over 500 specific moves – are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach.

What is the history of Active Release Techniques?

ART has been developed, refined, and patented by P. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP. Dr. Leahy noticed that his patients’ symptoms seemed to be related to changes in their soft tissue that could be felt by hand. By observing how muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves responded to different types of work, Dr. Leahy was able to consistently resolve over 90% of his patients’ problems. He now teaches and certifies health care providers all over the world to use ART.


Graston Technique® (GT) is successful in effectively treating all soft tissue conditions, whether they are chronic, acute or post-surgical. GT can help you enjoy life again.

Our unique technique and instruments enable physical and occupational therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and hand therapists to address scar tissue and fascial restrictions during rehabilitation and to administer effective range of motion maintenance programs.

The non-invasive technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to help the clinician identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.

GT allows a clinician to get as deep into the tissue as necessary to invoke change, yet be sensitive to patient pain and tolerance. As the instruments are moved over the affected area and come in contact with the adhesions, they help break up scar tissue and fascial restrictions. In time, this process will reduce or eliminate the adhered fibers, restoring range of motion and eliminating the associated pain. It will help transform your soft tissue injury into healthy functioning tissue.


Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical therapies available. It was first used in China over 4,000 years ago.

Acupuncture is a treatment method involving the gentle insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of one’s Qi (pronounced “chee”) or natural healing energy. Some of the benefits include: improving circulation, boosting serotonin levels in the brain, inducing relaxation, and relieving pain. Acupuncture is used for treating many disorders such as anxiety, depression, seasonal allergies, common cold, cough, headaches, painful menstrual periods, and digestive disorders; as well as musculoskeletal disorders, injury, and pain management.

Is Acupuncture Painful?

When patients receive an acupuncture treatment for the first time they often report a variety of different sensations. The most common sensations are tingling, mild soreness or heaviness. The sterile needles are inserted ¼ to 1 inch in depth. The acupuncturist attains a high level of skill in gently placing these needles with minimal discomfort. Most patients find the treatments are very relaxing.

How many treatments will be required?

The number of treatments varies from person to person depending upon the injury or condition. Usually 6 to 12 treatments are required. Acute conditions may require daily treatment and chronic conditions may need weekly or biweekly visits. Normally, after 7 to 10 treatments, patients should notice obvious improvement.

Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)    

Research has shown that the number one risk factor for injury is previous injury. The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a series of movement tests that are designed to assess fundamental patterns of movement (i.e.: squat, backbend, toe-touch). It is conducted by licensed medical professionals such as chiropractors and physiotherapists and helps to guide clinicians in the assessment and treatment of painful musculoskeletal conditions. The assessment provides an efficient method to systematically find the cause of symptoms, not just the source. Normal movement is integral to maintaining a well-functioning pain-free musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints, ligaments etc). When we are injured or experience pain our body may modify our movement patterns in order to compensate or avoid pain. Over time these dysfunctional patterns may lead to further pain, decreased range of motion, changes in muscle length and decreased strength.

At the root of a painful condition may be a motor control or “movement” issue and proper management/treatment should include rehab that is targeted at retraining these movement patterns and addressing any stability (i.e.: poor core stability) or mobility (ie: joint fixations/tissue extensibility) issues. Both of which chiropractors do a great job treating!

Massage Therapy    

Registered Massage Therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. It is very effective as preventative medicine and as a complement to traditional Western and Eastern medicine.

Some of the benefits of massage therapy include: reducing stress and anxiety, relaxing tight muscles, reducing pain, and promoting overall health and wellness. In addition to these benefits, it usually feels really good!

Motor Vehicle Accident/ICBC Claims    

Our practitioners have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of the soft tissue injuries associated with motor vehicle accidents. Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners therefore, a referral from your medical doctor is not necessary. We will be happy to cooperate with all medical and legal parties involved.

What should you do immediately following an MVA?

After reporting your claim, we will perform a thorough history and examination to document the specific nature of your injuries and recommend a course of treatment. We will provide reports to ICBC and in most cases the treatment is fully covered by your insurance. Please bring your ICBC claim number and any additional documentation relevant to the accident or your injury.

WorkSafe BC/WCB Claims

The practitioners at Cloverdale Chiropractic accept Work Safe claims. Please bring your claim number and we will provide you with a comprehensive return to work treatment plan.
