
The word chiropractic, from the Greek words praxis and cheir, means treatment by hand.Cloverdale Chiro

Chiropractic is a primary health care profession specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of conditions related to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and joints of the body.  Chiropractic techniques utilize safe, well-researched therapies, which include: spinal manipulation, soft-tissue therapies (ART, Graston), modalities and rehabilitation. Doctors of Chiropractic also educate their patients on various aspects of overall health and wellness including: diet, exercise, ergonomics and stress management.

What is a chiropractor’s education?

Chiropractic education requires a rigorous course of study similar to that of other regulated health care professionals (medicine and dentistry). Students are required to complete a minimum of three years university before they are eligible to apply for the chiropractic doctorate program. The chiropractic program involves more than 4500 hours of academic and clinical education in order to provide chiropractors with the highest level of competence in spinal manipulation and diagnosis/treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.  The four years of comprehensive education includes studies in biochemistry, neurology, anatomy, biomechanics, microbiology, radiology, exercise physiology, and rehabilitation.

Spinal Manipulation: What is an Adjustment?

An adjustment or spinal manipulation is a highly skilled procedure that includes a gentle and controlled thrust applied to joints of the spine or extremities. The aim of the adjustment is to help relieve pain, normalize nervous system function and to restore a joint’s normal range of motion. Chiropractic adjustment techniques have been researched extensively and they are safe and effective treatment for low back pain, neck pain, headaches and numerous other musculoskeletal conditions.

How are joint fixations detected?

We utilize an examination procedure known as Motion Palpation as developed by the Motion Palpation Institute®. There is an art and science to motion palpation. The science of motion palpation relies on the examiner’s detailed knowledge of anatomy. This procedure systematically allows the examiner to evaluate function for each joint of the spine, pelvis and extremities. The art behind motion palpation is the ability of the examiner to feel the difference between a joint that is normal, restricted from moving freely or moving too much and unstable. Joint restrictions can be further evaluated for the nature of the restriction. More specifically, is the joint restriction caused by soft tissue adhesions or by joint adhesions. Pain alone is never an indication for joint manipulation. Only by careful and systematic examination can the need for joint manipulation be determined.

When you have a joint restriction, nothing else is going to resolve that problem as effectively as performing a DOT certified physical exam in order to determine how serious the injury is. In most cases joint and soft-tissue injuries go hand-in-hand, so joint manipulation is often essential for a full resolution of the injury.
